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Published on: Oct 27, 2022

EvoEndo Wins 2022 MedTech Innovator Execution Award, AdvaMed Accel Virginia Shimer Rybski Memorial Award

Annie Harmon

BOSTON, October 24, 2022MedTech Innovator, the largest accelerator of medical devices in the world, and AdvaMed Accel, the leading advocacy association for emerging medtech firms, today announced that EvoEndo has been awarded the 2022 MedTech Innovator Execution Award and the Virginia Shimer Rybski Memorial Award. Both awards recognize the potential of an up-and-coming entrepreneur or entrepreneurial medical technology company to serve patients. Audience members chose the recipient during the AdvaMed Accel Leadership Seminar held during The MedTech Conference powered by AdvaMed.


22 EvoEndo Med Tech Innovator Award


EvoEndo is a Denver-based medical device company developing systems that enable unsedated endoscopic procedures through a combination of sterile single-use, flexible endoscopes and virtual reality-based patient distraction.

“The Execution Award Competition celebrates high performers in achieving commercialization milestones on the path to market where they can positively impact patient lives,” said Paul Grand, CEO of MedTech Innovator. “EvoEndo is well positioned to change the standard of care for patients requiring or desiring unsedated endoscopic procedures. We’re thrilled to recognize the EvoEndo team for their exceptional accomplishments. We will continue to support all five of today’s finalists as they work tirelessly to improve human health.”

“The five MedTech Innovator Accelerator companies that competed for this year’s Execution Award and Virginia Shimer Rybski Memorial Award are harnessing the latest technology and applying it to help patients,” said DeChane Dorsey, executive director of AdvaMed Accel. “We are proud to recognize the EvoEndo team as this year’s winner, following the path Virginia Rybski trailblazed as a medical technology entrepreneur who always put patients first.”

“Congratulations to the EvoEndo team on its well-earned recognition,” said Scott Whitaker, AdvaMed president and CEO. “These awards capture the spirit of this year’s MedTech Conference, with its first-ever Investor Forum. AdvaMed recognizes that the next great idea changing patients’ lives might come from the smallest start-up, and support for these entrepreneurs is critical to the future of medtech and the patients we serve.”

The Execution Award, presented jointly by AdvaMed Accel and MedTech Innovator, recognizes strong leadership teams with next-generation innovations and the resources to successfully execute on their goals of improving patient care.

The Virginia Shimer Rybski Memorial Award was created to encourage the enthusiastic pursuit of business excellence in the medical technology industry. It is named after the late entrepreneur and patient care advocate Virginia Rybski, president and CEO of Regenesis Biomedical and a member of AdvaMed’s Board of Directors and the association’s Accel Executive Committee, who passed away in 2013. The award is presented each year during the association’s annual meeting to a single presenting company or entrepreneur.

This year’s award includes a $15,000 grant from AdvaMed Accel and Medmarc and a $10,000 prize from MedTech Innovator to be applied toward expenses required for commercializing an innovative medical technology. Additionally, the winning company receives a profile in MedTech Strategist and will also receive a complimentary one-year membership with AdvaMed Accel and full-access registration to The MedTech Conference in 2023. In addition to this year’s winning company, finalists were: Bright Uro, Endoluxe, LEADOPTIK, and SUTUREGARD Medical.

About MedTech Innovator

Based in Los Angeles, Calif., MedTech Innovator is the largest accelerator of medical device companies in the world and the premier nonprofit startup accelerator in the medical technology industry. [i] Its mission is to improve the lives of patients by accelerating the growth of companies that are transforming the health care system. MedTech Innovator matches health care industry leaders with innovative early stage and emerging-growth medtech companies for mentorship and support. To date, MedTech Innovator has supported 421 alumni that have gone on to raise $5.8 billion in follow-on funding, brought 135 products to market, and achieved 31 exits.

For more information, visit MedTech Innovator and follow @MedTechAwards on Twitter and MedTech Innovator on LinkedIn. To receive industry insights and highlights about MedTech Innovator’s current and alumni participant companies, subscribe to its monthly newsletter.

About AdvaMed Accel

AdvaMed Accel is the division within AdvaMed dedicated to addressing the unique needs and challenges of smaller medical device and diagnostics manufacturers – the lifeblood of the medical technology industry. The only organization of its kind focusing specifically on the needs of the medtech industry’s emerging growth companies, AdvaMed Accel works to create a policy environment more conducive to capital formation and innovation. For more information, visit AdvaMed Accel.

[i] Gibbs, M., Johnson, B., Silva, B. A., & Berube, K. (2020, July 10). Q2 2020 Life Science Accelerators Insights CipherBio Blog.

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AdvaMed member companies produce the medical devices, diagnostic products and health information systems that are transforming health care through earlier disease detection, less invasive procedures and more effective treatments. AdvaMed members range from the largest to the smallest medical technology innovators and companies.

Original Press Release can be found here: https://www.advamed.org/industry-updates/news/evoendo-wins-2022-medtech-innovator-execution-award-advamed-accel-virginia-shimer-rybski-memorial-award/

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